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Ultra Superior Gas Shielded Metal Cored Wire For Excellent Metal To Metal Wear

Eagle 564 MC Specification sheet

High quality alloy for hardfacing on hammers, dies, shears and surfaces subject to high compression loading.

Use DC Reverse [+] Polarity. Use lowest effective amperage while maintaining a 3/8 – 5/8 " stick out length (+ or - 1/4 "). Clean surface area of any mill scale using the grinding method. Preheat to a minimum of 500℉ (260℃).
Use the stringer bead method to reduce surface checking.

The EAGLE 564 MC is a gas shielded metal cored high speed tool steel wire that has excellent metal to metal wear resistance and good edge retention.

Hardness: (RC) Approx. 44 – 50
Current: DC Reverse [+] Polarity

  • Sizes: Inches 0.45, 1/16 (mm 1.20, 1.60)
  • Volts: 23-27, 25-30
  • Amperage: 175 - 250, 200 - 300


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